Category archives for Success Mindset

It’s All Up To You

Your journey to success can be as simple and easy – or as difficult and painful – as you make it. Why not have fun with it? Just as you convinced yourself that you were unlucky, unsuccessful and destined for failure, you can convince yourself that all of your dreams are right at your fingertips. […]

Enjoying the Journey

If there is one thing I want you to take away from this book, it is the understanding that success is a journey, not a destination. It’s about what you do, but WHO you become through the achievement of your dreams. Success is a process of letting go of perceived limitations, growing and developing as […]

Staying Motivated

Most of us have no problem feeling motivated when we first set our goals, but that inner fire dies pretty quickly sometimes. It might be due to an intimidating obstacle that appears in our path, or a sense of impatience when we don’t see results as quickly as we’d like.How do you regain your motivation […]

Taking Action: Like a Match to Tinder

Remember in a previous chapter I said that your attitude is like the yeast added to your bread recipe? ACTION is like the heat from the oven that merges all the ingredients and transforms them into a delicious treat. Without action, everything I’ve said in this book so far is worthless. Perhaps “worthless” is too […]

Goal-Setting, Simplified

Goal-setting is one of those things that seems like it should be very simple, but can often cause anguish and aggravation. Even worse, if it’s not done productively it can convince us that we’re doomed to failure and prompt us to give up on our dreams forever. The number one mistake that most people make […]

Developing a True Success Mind-Set

The whole point of taking responsibility for where you are now is to stop believing that you would have been more successful if you hadn’t faced challenges in life, and acknowledge that you could have excelled IN SPITE of your challenges (and you still can!).However, don’t beat yourself up over this insight. Taking responsibility is […]

Developing a True Success Mind-Set

Have you ever observed successful people? Think about in-demand movie stars, business professionals, politicians, or any person in a position of power and affluence. What quality or qualities do they all seem to have? * Confidence * Determination * Discipline * Focus * Self-Worth * Self-Esteem * Self-Assurance * Creativity * Flexibility * Resiliency * […]

Creating Meaningful Work

anything else in life. Not only will you feel happier and more centered on a daily basis, you won’t grow to resent your passion because it sucks the life out of you.You will accomplish more in less time with short, focused bursts of activity,rather than depleting your energy with longer, watered-down work sessions.Take it from […]

Creating Meaningful Work

long time to understand that by holding myself back I was denying others something special I had to share with them. And I don’t mean that as a boast. We are each special and unique, and we each have something to offer this world that no one else does. By denying our own talents, we […]

Creating Meaningful Work

Does your work make you happy? Or are you simply trading hours for dollars doing something you couldn’t care less about?Meaningful work means different things to different people.Some of us believe that in order for our work to be meaningful it must have a huge impact on the world. Discovering a cure for cancer, feeding […]

Learning How to Love Yourself

Here is the best and quickest way to get to know yourself: spend time alone as often as possible. Shut off the television and radio, block outside distractions, and simply allow yourself to BE. If this suggestion sounds frightening or intimidating to you, it’s a sure sign that you are NOT in touch with your […]

The Keys To Happiness

We already know that basing our happiness on external circumstances can be tenuous at best. So what does create feelings of happiness? Happiness is a personal concept that is probably different for each of us. Take a moment to consider what happiness means to you. That’s one important step in understanding how you can bring […]

Learning How to Love Yourself

You may wonder what self-love has to do with success. The answer is: more than you can imagine! Self-love and self-worth go hand in hand. If we don’t believe we’re worthy of success, we’ll keep pushing it away or find ways to sabotage ourselves from achieving it.Our self-image is formed from a set of inner […]

The Quest for Empowerment

Releasing the Past to Make Room for Something BetterLetting go of past traumas is a little more challenging because they are often buried deeply in our subconscious minds. But buried or not, they can still wreak havoc on our level of happiness. One of the most powerful techniques I’ve learned for releasing old baggage is […]

The Quest for Empowerment

Another way we try to create a sense of security in our lives is by seeking power. We believe that if we obtain a position of power, happiness and success will automatically follow.Power, just like security, is an illusion. It can’t prevent us from experiencing anything negative. It can’t erase our deep-seated feelings of inadequacy […]

Happiness: Cause or Effect?

Are you happy with your life the way it is now? There are probably aspects of your life you’d like to change, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this book. But overall, can you say you’re truly happy? Most of us can’t, but it’s not because we’re still seeking success. Rather, we aren’t happy because we […]

A Genuine Sense of Security

One reason we’re so focused on wealth acquisition is the need to feel secure. We believe that if we have a large amount of money in the bank, we’ll be protected from lack, pain, difficulty and struggle. In a limited sense this is true. However, security is simply a state of mind! It’s not the […]